Readers Rugs/Wallhangings

The Rugs, Wallhangings and other items on this page are made by readers of the blog. It will be  interesting to see many different styles, designs, material and colours etc are used. Feel free to send your work in plus the information about the piece.
First Base, a special needs workshop in BARBADOS. We now use offcuts donated by the local T shirt factory. As they seem keen to continue rugging, I've today introduced them to my spring hook.
Made by Lindsay Malin The Red Flower rug is 730mm in diameter, hand hooked; the Fruit and Veg rug is 610mm X 830mm, again hand hooked; and the Fly on Oleander is 500mm X 700mm, hand hooked. All are made mainly with cottons. Are there any further details you would like?

Blue Tit hooked by Caroline Altounyan this was Caroline's first rug
First Proddy seat pad made by a member of first base group in Barbados
Giant hooked rug (6ft. diameter), Had to stand on a chair to get it all in the picture! I always use strips of stretchy fabric in bold colours (old T-shirts are best.) I'd be interested in seeing any big projects other readers have tackled. I'm a member of 'Ragtime Ruggers' in Suffolk Irene Stocks

Made of dupion silk - hooked into long loops then sheared back to create a
dense pile. This very heavy wall rug measures 110 x 70 Jill Izzard

Two Hooked Mola designs by Ingrid Hieronimus from Canada (who will be teaching this class at Reeth Rug Retreat this year)
Punch Hooked Brooches by Ruth Robinson

Jan Haines has hooked a stool top another interesting idea.

Wild Women hooked by Celia Charlton Nova Scotia (Celia is teaching this class at Reeth Rug Retreat this year)

Clare Hutchinson 'Cockscomb' - my new tool bag. A challenge with a chicken theme from Hooked-in-London. 6 inches by 8. Hooked, sheared in the middle, sides left hooked, with proggy at the top. Wool tweed, red blanket  and cotton stretch jersey on hessian.

Clare Hutchinson - Cushion, 14 inches square. Original photo of one of my auriculas, printed onto silk, quilted and embroidered, then surrounded with silk dupion proggy on hessian. I can take no credit for this idea - I have copied an idea by my friend Jill Izzard - thanks Jill!
 Clare Hutchinson Needlecase, approx 3 inches by 5 inches - made mostly from dyed habotai silk on scrim - abstract based on a shibori dyed paper. The 'leaves' are made from  purple blanket - it was just right!

Cushion made by Judy Moss Nottingham
Judy has made several cushions for presents....what a fabulous gift

Esme Tylers first attempt 

Helen's Cushion

        5 Hooked Rugs made by Brigitte Webb from Scotland
a great variety of patterns in Brigitte's work

3 peices made by Clare Hutchinson from Yorkshire
Hand bag made of shibori indigo dyed wool with the centre piece hooked
Clare said she is not keen on this rug and put's it down to a steep learning curve and inexperience. What looked good on a small peice of paper did not translate well when larger. I now work things out more or less the actual size.  (I think its pretty good ..Cilla) 
 Proddy Mat

Three lovely rugs from Miriam Miller NSW  Australia

Made by Textile Artist Jill Izzard
Prodded with 100% dupion silk
Because I am  the greatest lover of wool  I just couldnt resist putting June Taylors picture of her Crazy Patchwork Quilt. It is made with wool material the cockerel is made up of my very own hand dyed swatches so I was very excited to see him! You can experiment with patchwork and quilting by inserting into your hooky and/or proddy pieces.
Crazy Patchwork Quilt

Hooked Rug by Jane Wood 24"x15"
made from recycled clothing