Crochet craze

I taught myself to crochet about 25 years ago and made lots of white bits and pieces. Then I spotted The Natural Dye Company at the Woolfest three years ago and saw their beautiful crochet pieces made with the most gorgeous dyed coloured wool and bingo I started to dye cream wool into an array off colours. More recently I found and was blown away with her inspirational work and patterns. If I am not dyeing up wool material I have a pan full of yarn or both!
Granny Crochet Cushion
 Granny Squares are being made into a throw
 Chair in my studio covered in unfinished crochet pieces if I put them away they may not get finished! My friend Doreen said it looks like a chair out of Country Living Magazine! The Pink throw on the base of the chair is Swaledale fleece that I spun! wow me spinning whatever next!  and knitted up.

The flowery bunting from Lucy's patterns at 
they cheer up the shelving and quick and easy to make!
Mandala 12" mat inspired by Alice and taken from her pattern too

African Flower Mandala 7" mat pattern from

This started out to be a cushion from Attic24 but somehow it ended up with a picot edge and is now covering up the grotty top of my telephone table! it is 13" and looks rather nice in its new home!

I just simply love this crochet bag pattern it is sooo easy make you can use scraps of wool or choose a colour theme and make it any size this first one is quite large and holds a multitude of goodies! the other three are little bit smaller. The pattern is Lucys at attic24 

I decided to make a hot water bottle cover for my new hotty so when it gets chilly I can sit with it when I am hooking its a great central heating system!